Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hectic, Heat, Homecoming (& a little family rivalry!)

Where does a week go?  Geez, It's been a week since I posted, but only seems like a day or two.  In that short week I/we:

- Celebrated our 22nd anniversary,
- acquired 480 more free SoBe waters, (720 total!!)
- attended the Eaton CC meet,
- had Lauren, Jenna and Matt home all weekend,  (enough said?)
- spent an entire day going through Jonathan and Andrew's closets...(nothing fits for fall!)
- cleaning garage and preparing for 50 sophomores here for homecoming dinner on Saturday.
- attended Minster CC home meet,
- helped with 3 school projects, 5 tests, picture paperwork, wrote out bills and balanced checkbook.

Wow! Of course, that doesn't include the meals, the laundry, the grocery getting, and the housecleaning.

So, it is a pretty busy week.  Three CC meets is a lot for the kids, but definitely shakes things up at home too! Homecoming is Saturday which normally means a busy day with the meet in the morning, followed by hair, getting flowers and helping with last minute details.  But, this year, I have dinner for 50.  I was hoping it would be nice enough to be outside, and with a temperature of 94 today, you would think that would be the case, but no, it is going to drop some 25 degrees for a high of 71 on Saturday, so we are in the garage.  Our garage is nice enough.  It is dry-walled and painted and overall pretty clean, but it still means moving bikes and mowers (sucking up spiderwebs!) and somehow acquiring tables and chairs.  I've done it before and I'm not stressing to much.  It'll all work out. (After the meet & the flower pickup & the hair appointment and church and pictures and uggh!!!)

So, Jonathan and Andrew are running well.  I have a need to talk about this.   For a very long time, we urged Jonathan to run, just like all the rest.  He wanted to play football and of course, that was fine. He played 7th grade football and loved it! We teased him about being able to run well, but deep down we knew he loved football, and actually played really well.  It was a surprise this summer when he texted me and asked for me to pick up some good running shoes.  ???  Well, he has had no regrets.  It is very fun and I am very proud as a parent to see him compete.  Andrew has only been beaten by two boys this year (one being a national winner) and his PR is an 11:00.  Based on what I can find in meet results around the state, is that he is in the top 5 for 8th graders.  They will run against another top runner this Saturday in Van Wert. I believe Andrew has the potential to run 10:40's which would put him in that elite status...the thing is, Jonathan is so close behind.  At the Minster meet, even though the overall times were higher because of the heat, Jonathan closed in to within 5 seconds of Andrew. Wow! If anyone has seen him run they would agree.  He is on a mission.  He wants to beat Andrew.  So how does that fair in the Fausey household on a daily basis? It is sometimes a discussion at the dinner table for a minute or two, and it gets some time when we talk about their goals for the next race, but I am very proud to admit they are handling it just like they should.  They are using this opportunity to make each other stronger.  And it's working, and working well.  Jonathan has already surpassed Andrew's PR from last year, and is on his way to sub 11's too!  I only pray that they stay healthy and keep enjoying this as much as we do watching them.
He truly makes it look if he's floating on air!
It may not be pretty, but this is what CC is all about...guts and determination!
This is the junior high boys on the Podium in Eaton. 5 out of 10 are Minster! Try and tell me Jonathan is not having fun!

Ok, enough blogging for me today, it's back to work. Have a good day everyone. Try to stay cool!

ps...thank you Michele for these pictures! I take 50 and can't get one good one...I guess I'm too busy cheering!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! You do the cheering and I'll take the pictures - deal?! Between you and Joe, the kids wouldn't hear me anyway :)